Chemical laboratory Share

The chemical laboratory is an important place to provide chemical experimental conditions and scientific exploration. There are a large number of instruments in it: experimental tools such as iron stand, asbestos net, alcohol lamp. Usually there will be a chemical cabinet, which has commonly used chemicals such as copper sulfate pentahydrate (CuSO4·5H2O, ie cholesteric), sodium hydroxide solution, limestone, hydrochloric acid, etc.

People use them to the mystery of matter and its changes. Be sure to read the lab rules carefully before entering the chemical laboratory and follow the rules. Because many chemicals are very harmful to the human body, they also have a large pollution to the environment.



Contact: Marco

Phone: +8618810549043

Whatsapp: +8618810549043

Email: info@bqchemicals.com

Add: Room 303, Unit 3, Building 1, Community Luozhuangxili, Haidian District, Beijing, China.

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